Welcome Back – Re-Opening!
We’re so excited to welcome you back!
We made it through this together! Thank you for your incredible patience and continued support over the past few months.
We’re delighted to announce that the clinic is now able to resume select in-person appointments beginning June 8, 2020, with safety precautions and new guidelines in place.
We are following guidance from Ontario Public Health and our regulatory colleges to best serve you during this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition and ask that you please follow the new rules we have in place to keep everyone healthy.
Our operating hours for the month of August: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Select In-person services and treatments will be available as follows:
Tuesday–Friday – Consultations, Sensitivity Assessments & Clearings, Emotional Clearings
Dr. Chanele
Monday & Wednesday – In-person for BioFlex Laser Treatments, Acupuncture & Consults
Tuesday & Thursday - Virtual Consultations
Thursday & Friday – Food & Environmental Sensitivity Assessments & Clearings
New Regulations
In-person vs. Virtual Consultations: During this re-start period we need to control appointment scheduling (province rules and staff safety). As such, we will be limiting the number of in-person appointments to continue adhering to the guidelines. We encourage those who do not need to come in for in-clinic visits to keep consultations virtual.
Dr. Chanele will be transitioning to strictly virtual/phone naturopathic consultations throughout November & December. Other treatments such as Acupuncture and BioFlex Laser will be offered on the days above
COVID-19 Pre-Screening: 24 hours before your appointment we will be calling you for a pre-screening questionnaire. This MUST be completed before your appointment. If we are unable to get a hold of you before your appointment, it will be postponed until we can complete it. This survey is intended for us to screen patients for any illness, recent travel, COVID-19 symptoms, or possible exposure to COVID-19.
We are employing additional cleaning procedures for our clinic and equipment in accordance with Ontario Public Health Guidelines.
It is recommended that you wear face masks during your visit to the clinic
To accommodate all patients, we ask that you arrive on time (not early or late) for all appointments.
Please do not bring extra family members to the appointment. If the patient is your child, teenager, or dependent, only 1 adult can accompany this patient in the clinic. Other visitors will be asked to wait outside.
Please wash your hands (for 20 secs) upon arrival at the clinic, before going into the consultation rooms.
Please cough/sneeze into your arm and do not touch your mouth, nose, or face
Physical distancing is in effect in our clinic, and you must stay at least 2m away from other patrons in the office while waiting for your appointment.
If you are feeling sick, have recently traveled, or have any new or ongoing symptoms of infection, including possible symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and quarantine for 14 days or longer. COVID-19 symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.
Supplement Purchases
The clinic will remain closed to walk-in foot traffic to limit the number of people in the clinic.
We will continue with the same front-door pick-up procedures as we have been the last few months.
To restock on your supplements, please call us to place your order and we will process the purchase over the phone and ensure we have your products in stock. Orders can be placed and picked-up Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
We can also still ship supplements to you, if you require and are unable to pick-up. Shipment fees will apply.
Thank you for helping us make this a place where people can feel safe to receive continued services.
Supplement Purchases & Pick-Up
The Clinic is open for supplement purchases and front-door pick-ups during the following times starting on Monday:
Mon 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Wed 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Fri 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
In order to limit contact, we are processing all product purchases over the phone and ask that you please call us first BEFORE you come to the clinic to ensure we have your product in stock, and for us to process the payment over the phone.
We can also ship supplements to you if you require and are unable to pick up. Shipment fees will apply.
Credit card information will be required to be able to do phone consults and purchase supplements. Please ensure you have this information on hand when calling to place your order and/or to confirm your phone consultation.
If you need any additional support during this time, or if you’re sick we’re here and ready to serve you. Email us at info@ramilas.com or call us at 613-829-0427.
Please also follow our Facebook Page for continual updates.
We wish you and your loved ones continual health and well-being and trust you are taking good care of each other during this time.
Stay strong, stay healthy, and stay hopeful.
Yours in Health,
The Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic Team
Update as of Monday, March 23, 2020
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve on a daily basis, the safety, health and well-being of all our patients and staff remains at the forefront of our priorities.
As such, we have made the decision to close the clinic to foot traffic, and as of Monday, 23 March 2020, we will be switching ALL appointments to phone/virtual consults until further notice.
We are doing our best to play our part in flattening the curve and to ensure that we are limiting our physical contact and maintaining your safety.
For those of you who already have scheduled appointments with Ramila and Dr. Chanele we will be calling you 24hrs ahead of your appointment to provide you with dial-in details for your session and to receive your payment details to process the appointment fee at the end of your consult.
Appointments will be available during the following times:
Mon 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Tues-Fri 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
As mentioned in our previous email, our practitioners are experts in the energetic testing method of Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing. It allows them to assess you at a distance as well as in-person, for how well a specific protocol matches with your physical needs. Just like our in-person consults our practitioners work with you to assess how you’ve been doing on your protocol, decide what needs to be changed, test any new and old supplements within your protocol and what dosage changes are required, if any.
Phone consultations are not new to our practice. We have been offering them for many years as we serve patients from the U.S. and other parts of the world. Rest assured that nothing is lost with this type of treatment. Once this COVID-19 situation has resolved and we are back to our normal routines, you can always come back for a face-to-face consultation.
Rest assured that our staff will continue to work diligently at the clinic answering your calls & emails, addressing your concerns and processing your supplement orders.
Dear Clinic Patients,
Your health and well-being, as well as that of our staff, remains our number one priority. We are living through turbulent times, which we have never experienced together as a collective. It is in this time of great uncertainty, where our fears – compounded with the 24/7 news cycle – can quickly turn to panic and anxiety, placing added stress on our physical, mental, and emotional health. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we place our health and self-care at the forefront of our priorities.
In that regard, we are committed to supporting you through this time.
Clinic hours remain normal, for now:
Monday: 9:00am-4:00pm | Tuesday-Friday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Ramila’s Patients:
For all appointments, beginning Thursday, 19 March 2020 until Friday, 27 March 2020, Ramila is offering phone consultations in place of in-person visits.
If you choose to keep your in-person consultation, we are conducting pre-screening via phone 24hrs before your scheduled appointment to ensure the safety of all patients and staff at the clinic. Following this pre-screening, we will make the final decision as to whether or not your consult can continue in-person or via phone.
Phone consults will require that we have a standing credit card on file to process the appointment fee. We will require this information upon confirmation of your appointment.
Dr. Chanele’s Patients:
As of Monday 23 March – 27 March 2020 all of Dr. Chanele’s appointments will be switched to phone consultations.
For all Acupuncture and Bioflex Laser appointments with Dr. Chanele, pre-screening is mandatory before you come to the clinic.
Phone consults will require that we have a standing credit card on file to process the appointment fee. We will require this information upon confirmation of your appointment.
Phone consultations allow you to stay in touch with your doctor and be on schedule with your treatment protocol. It also provides you with the additional support you may need during this time of heightened stress.
Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic practitioners are experts in the energetic testing method of Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing. It allows them to assess you at a distance as well as in-person, for how well a specific protocol matches with your physical needs. Just like our in-person consults our practitioners work with you to assess how you’ve been doing on your protocol, decide what needs to be changed, test any new and old supplements within your protocol, and what dosage changes are required if any.
Phone consultations are not new to our practice. We have been offering them for many years as we serve patients from the U.S. and other parts of the world. Rest assured that nothing is lost with this type of treatment. Once this COVID-19 situation is resolved and we are back to our normal routines, you can always come back for a face-to-face consultation.
Supplement Purchases & Pick-Up
The Clinic will be open for supplement purchases and pick-up. In order to limit contact, we are processing all product purchases over the phone and ask that you please call us first BEFORE you come to the clinic to ensure we have your product in stock, and for us to process the payment over the phone.
We will be providing front-door pick-ups at the following times starting next week:
Monday – 23 March 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday – 25 March 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday – 27 March 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
We can also ship supplements to you if you require and are unable to pick up. Shipment fees will apply.
If you require a supplement refill or if you have any other questions or concerns please email us at info@ramilas.com or call us at 613-829-042.
Credit card information will be required to be able to do phone consults and purchase supplements. Please ensure you have this information on hand when calling to place your order and/or to confirm your phone consultation.
We are continuously monitoring this issue, and should our city alert be escalated, we are prepared to take additional measures to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff.
PLEASE NOTE: Although there are many immune-boosting supplements available, we continue to practice as we always have, personalizing your treatment protocols to your health & immune needs. As such, should you have any inquiries about what you can be taking at this time to boost your immune system and stay healthy, please call us at the clinic and our practitioners can make the appropriate recommendations.
Please DO NOT come into the clinic if any of the following apply to you:
You have a dry cough, fever and/or difficulty breathing
Have traveled outside of Canada in the past 14 days, or
Have interacted with someone who tested positive with COVID-19
Many of us are feeling a great deal of stress, anxiety, worry and fear as the uncertainty of this situation evolves. Know that we are here to support you through any and all physical, emotional and mental health issues you may be facing. Should you be feeling a heightened level of stress, we encourage you to consider booking an appointment to support your immune system and ensure you are taking the steps to stay at your healthiest.
Self-care Practices
It is in times like these, as challenging and worrying as they might be, that our self-care practices are more important than ever, to ensure we are not allowing stress to overtake our bodies and thereby compromise our immune systems, and to ensure we are taking care of our mental health as well.
Whatever it is that you do to care for yourself, give yourself the gift of making that extra time each day to bring yourself back to the present moment and check-in with what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling.
A few examples of self-care to maintain physical and mental health:
Stick to your dietary program, high-vibration, real & whole foods are what your body needs right now
Make time for meditation each day – even 5 mins twice a day will make a world of a difference on your mental and emotional health
Be mindful of your thoughts and emotions – observe what is going on within, without getting caught up in them
Move your body every day – yoga, stretching, home workouts, long walks, etc.
Take a bath, make a pot of your favourite tea, light some candles, burn your favourite calming essential oils
Don’t forget to BREATHE. Become best friends with your breath. Take 3 deep breaths each time you feel yourself getting slightly anxious.
If you need any additional support during this time, or if you’re sick we’re here and ready to serve you. Please email us at info@ramilas.com or call us at 613-829-0427.
Please follow our Facebook Page for continual updates.
We are all in this together. Please take care of yourself and each other.
Stay strong, stay healthy, and stay hopeful.
Yours in Health,
The Ramilas Healing Arts Clinic Team